Invisible link to canonical for Microformats

kramdown cheatsheet

Beyond Markdown

What’s kramdown?Permalink

kramdown supercharges Markdown with some interesting features.

kramdown is the default Jekyll Markdown processor. When creating your site with Jekyll, you can use the standard Markdown syntax plus some specific kramdown syntax. Jekyll would render your Markdown/kramdown into HTML.

The first paragraph.

Another paragraph

This is a paragraph  
which contains a hard line break.

First level header

Second level header

# H1 header

## H2 header

### H3 header

#### H4 header

##### H5 header

###### H6 header

The first paragraph.

Another paragraph

This is a paragraph
which contains a hard line break.

First level headerPermalink

Second level headerPermalink

H1 headerPermalink

H2 headerPermalink

H3 headerPermalink

H4 headerPermalink

H5 headerPermalink
H6 headerPermalink

Create a table of contents:Permalink

On your _config.yaml, define the levels of your toc:

  toc_levels: 2..6

Ignore specific headers:

## This header would be ignored on the toc.

This header would be ignored on the toc.Permalink

Add this to generate table

* This line is needed, but won't appear. Replace '*' with '1' to create a numbered list.

> A sample blockquote.
> >Nested blockquotes are
> >also possible.
> ## Headers work too
> This is the outer quote again.

: definition
: another definition

another term
and another term
: and a definition for the term

A sample blockquote.

Nested blockquotes are also possible.

Headers work tooPermalink

This is the outer quote again.

another definition
another term
and another term
and a definition for the term
| Header1 | Header2 | Header3 |
| cell1   | cell2   | cell3   |
| cell4   | cell5   | cell6   |
| cell1   | cell2   | cell3   |
| cell4   | cell5   | cell6   |
| Foot1   | Foot2   | Foot3
{: rules="groups"}

Header1 Header2 Header3
cell1 cell2 cell3
cell4 cell5 cell6
cell1 cell2 cell3
cell4 cell5 cell6
Foot1 Foot2 Foot3
This is a paragraph
This is a comment which is
completely ignored.
... paragraph continues here.

Extensions can also be used
inline {::nomarkdown}**see**{:/}!
This is a paragraph … paragraph continues here.

Extensions can also be used inline **see**!

This is a paragraph … paragraph continues here.

Extensions can also be used inline **see**! This is a paragraph … paragraph continues here.

Extensions can also be used inline see!

A [link]( "hp")
to the homepage.

A simple info alert **check it out!**
{: #myid .alert .alert-info .p-3 .mx-2 mb-3}

This is a text with a

[^1]: And here is the definition.

This is an HTML

*[HTML]: Hyper Text Markup Language

This is **Chulapa**{:.chulapa} *red*{: style="color: red"}.

A link to the homepage.

A simple info alert check it out!

This is a text with a footnote1.

This is an HTML example.

This is Chulapa red.

<div markdown="1">This is the first part of a para,
which is continued here.
-  List
-  List **bold**

This is the first part of a para, which is continued here.

  • List
  • List bold
  1. And here is the definition.