Invisible link to canonical for Microformats



Set is an unordered collection whose values are not indexed and cannot be changed.

  • Adding and removing items is allowed.
  • Duplication is not allowed.
  • Can be of any data type.
  • Belong to class set.

True and 1 are considered the same value. Same goes for False and 0.

Use len() to get the length of set.

songs = {"Shame", "Walk", "stevie"}
print(len(songs)) # 3

Though you can’t access items using an index, you can use in operator.

print("Walk" in songs) # True
print("Shame" not in songs) # False

We can add and remove items instead of changing items in set.

songs.add("Fake It")
print(songs) # {'Walk', 'stevie', 'Fake It', 'Shame'}

update() adds items from one set to another.

new_songs = {"Good Grief", "Winter Of Our Youth"}
{'Shame', 'Walk', 'Good Grief', 'Winter Of Our Youth', 'stevie'}

remove() and discard() lets you remove items from set.

print(songs) # {'stevie'}

pop() removes a random items from the list.

x = songs.pop()
print(x) # Shame
print(songs) # {'Walk', 'stevie'}

union() or update() joins all items from two sets. You can also use | operator.

songs = {"Shame", "Walk", "stevie"}
new_songs = {"Good Grief", "Send Them Off!", "Us Against the World"}
new = songs.union(new_songs)
{'Good Grief', 'Shame', 'Send Them Off!', 'Walk', 'Us Against the World', 'stevie'}

new_new_songs = {"Mountain Sound", "Of The Night", "My Blood"}
new = songs | new_songs | new_new_songs
{'Mountain Sound', 'Good Grief', 'Walk', 'Of The Night', 'Shame', 'Us Against the World', 'Send Them Off!', 'My Blood', 'stevie'}

intersection() returns a set with items present in both the sets. You can also use & operator.

ticket = {1, 2, 4, 5, 1}
new_ticket = {2, 45, 6, 1, 4}

new = ticket & new_ticket
print(new) # {1, 2, 4}

difference() returns a set with items in first set not present in other set. You can also use - operator.

new = ticket - new_ticket
old = new_ticket - ticket
print(new) # {5}
print(old) # {45, 6}

symmetric_difference() keeps a set with elements not present in both the sets. You can also use ^ operator.

new = ticket ^ new_ticket
print(new) # {5, 6, 45}