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Walking Tours

R. L. Stevenson

A walking tour starts with hope and spirit. It ends with replenishing ourselves with peace and spirit.

One shouldn’t be an over-walker, they shouldn’t cover long distances by walking fast as it only succeeds in brutalizing one’s body. One will neither enjoy the walk and get tired very soon.

To enjoy the walking tour to the fullest, one has to go alone. For if one goes with a company or as pairs, it will be more like a picnic. In a walking tour, one should enjoy the liberty to stop and then continue.

In the beginning of the tour, one may take off their knapsack, enjoy a break and ‘give three leaps and go on singing’. This improves their mood.

If one constantly ponders over their anxieties and worries, which like the merchant Abudah’s chest never empties, they will never be happy about the walk.

A walking tour gives us a sense of physical wellbeing, a delightful play of fresh air, contraction of thigh muscles and makes him relish the solitude.

This is what we people in the industrial era miss. Being in a constant race with time, we have forgotten to live the time.