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DNS Flushing

DNS flushing is the process of clearing any IP addresses or other DNS records from the DNS cache. These are replaced with new ones.


  • Sometimes, it resolves error 404 in websites.
  • Prevents DNS cache poisoning.
  • Keeps search behaviour hidden from browsers.
  • Improves network troubleshooting.

How to do


Use ipconfig /flushdns in the Command prompt


Usually, Linux doesn’t have any sort of DNS cache. If it does, use this command : sudo systemd-resolve --flush-caches.


Chrome keeps a separate DNS cache which can be cleared by typing chrome://net-internals/#dns into the address bar and clicking on Clear host cache button.

When to flush?

  • After updating a website’s IP address.
  • If DNS spoofing is detecting.
  • If experiencing website connectivity issues.