Accessible Rich Internet Applications [ARIA] is a set of attributes that you can add to elements to provide more context to assistive technologies.
ARIA is also known as WAI-ARIA [Web Accessibility Initiative ARIA].
One of its first rule is to ensure that you avoid using ARIA. It means, don’t make up custom elements for doing stuff when a semantic element will just do as fine.
So when should I use ARIA?
- Use it if you need to replicate certain semantic elements [like
] or make it even more functional [like adding search, tab, etc. to it]. - To make your webpage keyboard-accessible.
ARIA attributes
Here’s a list of ARIA roles from MDN Docs
defines the role of an element. Some examples are role="banner"
, role="search
, etc.
ARIA properties are used to give elements extra meaning. For example, aria-required="true"
means a form input is to be filled compulsorily.
States are properties defining the current condition of the element. For example, aria-disabled="true"
means the form input is disabled.