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Vite comme ton esprit

Photo by Harley-Davidson on Unsplash

Vite is a build tool for web applications. It requires Node.js and npm to be installed in your machine.

Getting started quickly

Go to the terminal [you can get it in VS Code by clicking the 3 dots beside View, going to Terminal and clicking ‘New Terminal’] and type the following :

npm create vite@^4.0.0 --save-dev

It will ask the following questions :

  • Project name
  • Framework used [select React]
  • Variant [select JavaScript]

A folder with the project name is created. Then it gives you a bunch of commands that you should run.

If the project name is sample…

cd sample
npm install
npm install @vitejs/plugin-react@^4.0.0 --save-dev
npm run dev

Since Vite v6 is insanely unstable at the point of writing, I’m using v4.
