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Promise me that this will go okay

Promise is an object returned by an asynchronous function after starting the operations. It represents the current state of a program’s operations.

You can attach event handlers to this object, which can be executed when operations succeed or fail.


A callback is used to initialize the promise. This callback is passed two arguments: a resolve callback used to resolve the promise with a value or the result of another promise, and a reject callback used to reject the promise with a provided reason or error. - VS Code definition of a Promise object

A Promise has two parts - the producing part and the consuming part.

Like the above definition, the producing part consists of creating an object with a function as its argument. This functions returns either whenSuccess(result) or whenFailure(errorObject) as its result.

const fetchMeAPromise = new Promise(
someFunction(whenSuccess, whenFailure)

And the consuming part that waits for the Promise to be resolved. then simply means, do this after the producing part is done doing something :



Say, we have a function to check if a number is even :

function isEven(n)
  return (n % 2 == 0) ? 1 : 0;

We create a Promise object, which has a function with the two parameters. In it, we create a variable with a random value.

let promiseMe = new Promise(
function(ifSuccess, ifFailure)
  let randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100);
  console.log("Number: " + randomNumber);

  if (isEven(randomNumber)===1)

We use a conditional to check if the value returned by isEven() is 1 or not :

  • If yes, we call ifSuccess() with that number as argument.
  • If not, we call ifFailure(). With this, we finish the producing part.

In the consuming part, we use the then() method, which takes 2 functions as arguments [remember, they’re called callbacks].

One returns something when isEven is 1 [the Promise is fulfilled]. Another returns something when isEven is 0 [the Promise is rejected].

    console.log("This is even, see: " + value);
    console.log("This is odd, see: " + error);

So your final code may look like this :

function isEven(n) { return (n % 2 == 0) ? 1 : 0; }

//promise object
let promiseMe = new Promise(
function(ifSuccess, ifFailure)
  let randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100);
  console.log("Number: " + randomNumber);
  if (isEven(randomNumber)===1) ifSuccess(randomNumber);
  else ifFailure(randomNumber);

//promise method
    console.log("This is even, see: " + value);
    console.log("This is odd, see: " + error);

A Promise object can also have only the ifSuccess part or the ifFailure part.

Promise object’s properties

This object has two properties : state and result. Both can only be accessed through the object’s methods.

The process by which object properties are accessible only through their methods is called encapsulation.

Promise states


  • Promise object has been created
  • Async function is still ongoing
  • Obtains this state when the async function returns the object as value to fetch() to make a request.


  • Async function has succeeded.
  • then() is called.


  • Async function has failed.
  • catch() is called.

A function that performs a task that requires it to ‘handle’ something - like handling transitions, handling the process of automating tests - is called a handler.

Settle is a term used to indicate that something’s performed with the Promise object to change its state from pending to either fulfilled or rejected.

So, a promise is resolved if we settle it, if we finish it somehow. It is also resolved when it switches to follow the state of another promise [a promise chain].

Methods used with Promise

Check out async-await from here

Promise.resolve() lets you create a Promise object that’s already been resolved.

function funct()
  return Promise.resolve("Hello");


Promise.reject() lets you create a rejected Promise object. You’ve to provide the reason why it was rejected as argument.

function funct()
  return Promise.reject("Oh no");

    otherFunct(value); //this won't be returned
    console.log("Error"); //this will be returned
